Link to article | Surname | Name | Languages taught | Confession | Place of birth, country | Place of birth, town (province) | Institutions in which the teacher has taught in Russia | Families, in which the teacher has taught in Russia | Social status of teacher’s pupils | Place of work in Russia, city (province) | Subjects and aspects of subjects taught by the teacher |
Agentov_Mikhail | Агентов; Agentov, Agentoff | Михаил Иванович; Mikhail Ivanovich | German; Latin | Orthodox | Russia |
| Grammar school (Guimnaziia) attached to Moscow University |
| nobles; non-nobles | Moscow | German reading and writing; German morphology, declension and conjugation; German syntax; Latin reading and writing |
Athon_Pierre | Атон; Athon, Atthon, Atton | Пьер, Пётр; Pierre, Peter | French; German |
| France |
| Grammar school (Guimnaziia) attached to Moscow University |
| Moscow | French; German |
Beitner_Johann | Бейтнер; Beitner | Иоган; Johann |
| Noble Infantry Cadet Corps |
| Nobility | St Petersburg | writing in Latin; reading in Latin; writing in German; reading in German; arithmetic |
Berkhahn_Otto | Беркган, Беркан, Беркхан, Биркан, Берхман; Berkhahn, Berkhan | Отто; Otto | German | Lutheran |
| Moscow Foreign Language School |
| nobility; civil servants; soldiers; merchants; craftsmen | Moscow; St Petersburg |
Booker_Nathanael | Букер; Booker | Нафанаэль, Нафанаил; Nathanael (?) | German | Lutheran | Russia | St. Petersburg | Academy School (at the Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg) |
| nobility; civil servants; merchants; soldiers; peasants | St Petersburg | German |
Brettschneider_Peter_Daniel | Бретшнейдер; Brettschneider | Петер Данил; Peter Daniel | German; Latin; Swedish | Lutheran | Anhalt-Zerbst | Zerbst | Moscow Foreign Language School |
| nobility; civil servants; soldiers; merchants; craftsmen | Moscow | German; Latin; Swedish |
Büttner_Johann_Christian | Битнер, Битнир, Битнирз; Büttner, Bütner | Иван Крестьян; Johann Christian | German; Latin | Lutheran | Saxony | Lohsa, near Hoyerswerda | Moscow Foreign Language School |
| nobility; civil servants; soldiers; merchants; craftsmen | Moscow | Latin; German |
Fischer_Johann_Ernst | Фишер; Fischer | Эрнст; Johann Ernst | German | Lutheran | Duchy of Wuerttemberg | Esslingen | Academy School (at the Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg) |
| nobility; merchants; clergy; soldiers; servants | St Petersburg | German |
Fischer_Michael | Фишер; Fischer | Михаэль (Андреевич); Michael | French; German | Lutheran |
| Grammar school attached to Moscow University; own private school |
| nobles; non-nobles | Moscow | French; German syntax |
Fosse_Paul | Фоссе; Fosse | Паул; Paul | German |
| Academy School (at the Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg) |
| St Petersburg | German |
Glück_Ernst_Johann | Глюк; Glück | Эрнст Иоганн; Ernst Johann, Ernestus | German; Latin; Russian | Lutheran |
| Wettin (near Halle/Saale) | Moscow Foreign Language School |
| civil servants; servants; nobility | Moscow | Latin; German; Russian |
Herrmann_Christian | Герман; Hermann | Христиан; Christian | Latin; German | Lutheran | Electorate of Bavaria (“Kurfürstentum Bayern”) | Memmingen | Academy School (at the Academy of Science, St Petersburg) |
| nobility; merchants; clergy; craftsmen | St Petersburg | Latin; German |
Herwart_Johann_Georg_von | Герварт; von Herwart, Herwardt, Herrwartt | Иоган, Яган Георг; Johann Georg | German; French | Lutheran | Holy Roman Empire (Germany) |
| Academy School (at the Academy of Science, St. Petersburg); Artillery and Engineering Cadet Corps |
| nobility; merchants; craftsmen; civil servants; peasants | St. Petersburg | German; French; geography; history |
Schwanwitz | Шванович (Шванвиц, Шваневитц, Шванвич); Schwanwitz (Schwanewitz, Schwanewiz) | Мартин; Martin | German; Russian | Lutheran | Poland | Thorn | Academy School (at the Academy of Science); Infantry Noble Cadet Corps |
| nobility; civil servants; merchants; soldiers; peasants | St. Petersburg | reading in German; writing in German; German grammar; translation from Russian into German; history; Russian |